...chocolate cookie something frappuccino with white chocolate pudding.

We only cycled once last week due to our lingering colds and persistent rain (we cycle in the rain, but not when we are already ill, as it has been shown to make our colds much worse). Shortly we fly to foreign to get even fatter. So, I am not sure why James ordered one of these yesterday. I imagine the chemists at the St Arbucks laboratory doing the tests to make sure the white chocolate pudding in the bottom would go through the straw ... "hmmm...add a little more rubber and a less petroleum extract".
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jules' pics at 4/28/2012 05:20:00 PM
Chocolate cookie crumble frappuccino with white chocolate pudding, I think...
Had a look for your twitter feed(s) and couldn't find them. Pointer?
I ask because I was curious about a certain sensitivity result announced at EGU, rumor having it that you tweeted it, although I expect you'll be blogging about it soon enough.
Ah, I can see how mine is hard to find, as I cunningly disguised my true name :-)
Our tweet was just our own little sum we did. Blogging it properly may be delayed a little...
Does that monstrosety have a Japanese name?
Thanks. Would have been easy to find had I a twitter account, but so far I've managed to avoid that fate.
Re Tamsin's efforts, I'm a little more interested in the meta at her blog than Yet Another middle of the road CS estimate, although of course I will read your comments carefully.
Re that meta, it's probably not all that interesting or deep that Tamsin finds the post comments to be interesting and deep. Quite the Pollyanna, she is.
"Chokore-to kooki curumburu furappuchi-no wizu ui-to chokore-to puringu" should work ok :-)
But don't bother asking for "coffee" in Japan or they will look at you blankly!
As for Tamsin and her blog, I certainly don't have the boundless reserves of optimism that she displays for engaging with septics. But if it works for her, I'm not going to knock it. And to be fair, the UK breed of the latter are generally less poisonous than are found on your side of the pond.
I am wondering how she will fare when she starts talking directly about climate science, though (assuming that is actually her goal).
Just her own stuff, she says, which I suppose means modeling details and results such as the one under discussion. As long as she avoids delving into the climatic effects of projected temperatures, which see seems to be saying she considers to be not her field, probably she won't get a huge amount of hostility.
I think what she will get other than declining readership is a steady stream of the same sort of questions we see in the current thread, basically people seeking a level of detail or abstraction such that it becomes impossible to answer their questions in a manner comprehensible to them. Which is their desired outcome, after all.
That's going to start seeming unproductive even to her after a while, but who knows how long it will take.
James: As for Tamsin and her blog, I certainly don't have the boundless reserves of optimism that she displays for engaging with septics. But if it works for her, I'm not going to knock it. And to be fair, the UK breed of the latter are generally less poisonous than are found on your side of the pond.
I dunna, I've encountered a fair number of venomous climate bloggers (skeptics and otherwise) from both sides of the pond.
"There's more difference within a group than between groups" may apply here.
It'll be an interesting experiment, but I predict she'll run out of energy well before any other factor limits blog growth. I can't imagine maintaining a real research program and keeping a steady stream of blog posts going at the same time.
(Real climate sort of gets away with it because they have so many blog authors, but even then they are pretty sporatic at posting... and even then a fair number of those seem to be more like vents to let off steam rather than "real" climate posts. Letting your angst drive your posts is sort of like cheating.)
I can't imagine maintaining a real research program and keeping a steady stream of blog posts going at the same time.
um...I resemble that implication!
TBH, I share your and Steve's pessimism, but it's Tamsin's business, really. I certainly don't wish her any harm in her project.
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