Oh OK. I give in. But most of them weren't in Yellowstone... and see how few of them are bears!
Elk (there are plenty in Yellowstone, but this one was just north of the park entrance):

Mountain goat (Glacier Park):

Mummy rare black-tailed prairie dog (Devil's Tower):

Kiddiwink prairie dog:

Big Horn Sheep (The Badlands):

Mummy deer (Boulder garden variety):

Kiddiwink deer (it actually did have 4 legs):

Tourist and moose (Lake MacDonald Lodge, Glacier Park):

We saw a live moose in the distance just outside Glacier Park. Unlike the wolf, it was easily visible to the naked eye, but again there was someone there with a scope who kindly let us get a closer look. Pronghorn deer are everywhere in Wyoming, but they are small and springy and I didn't try to photograph them.
Posted By Blogger to
jules' pics at 12/21/2012 10:00:00 AM
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