According to the BBC, the nation is gripped by the
story of a lost whale stuck in the Thames. I can guess what would happen if it turned up in Japan...
UpdateWell if course it died. Very sad and all that. I just hope they don't try to deal with
this way.
And if it were small, warm, and furry?
Feed it to a snake, of course! (Not what you might think - check the link)
For the definitive resource on exploding whales, try http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exploding_whale
You can herd them into a bay and hack them to pieces too. That works for dolphins as well as small whales. Apparently it's a very tuna-friendly method :-)
FWIW the closest I have got to whale meat in Japan is seeing a small chunk in Tokyo's vast fish market, hidden between mountains of fish. Never spotted it in a restaurant or shop.
Japan being too far away, the best move would be to sell it to the Norwegians. Given their fondness for buried fish in lye sauce, a few days of rotting would be no problem.
On the otherhand, I have it from good authority that English ice cream is made from reconstituted whale fat. Thus there should be some local takers.
I'm sure it is many years since whale fat was last used in UK ice cream. It is apparently done in Japan occasionally as a gimmick (Organic! Dairy-free!). Not that I've seen it myself.
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