I still don't understand the Motomachi Starbucks parking hobby, but cars I had not seen before appeared on Sunday.
I thought this one was quite impressive...

Until this monster drove up.

Wot an amazing colour...

...not that the camera is necessarily accurate in hue (which is all in the mind anyway) but the intensity and matte sheen seem truthy.
A weird olde-stylee station wagon appeared later too, but I didn't take its portrait. It was kind of a yucky pale green... and as we all know, colour is the most important thing.
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jules' pics at 2/19/2013 02:11:00 PM
Is the nonplussed guy in the top shot wearing a hoodie while driving that thing? Tell me he at least had on a bowtie.
No, there were others in the cars and they were all pretty scruffy. It's clearly the cars that are on show here, not the people.
Surely by now it is clear that these are just a normal family cars in Motomachi... :-)
All kits.
That's an interesting thought. Do you know what type?
Maybe it's the same chassis each week with a different body on top :-)
An hour later they had been replaced by an E-type jag and MG, which may or may not have appeared on the blog before.
The first is the 1930 Ford V8 as mentioned already (may or may not be a fake) while the truck appears genuine (we have a few here, I've probably got a photo of one from the local show) a 1950s Chevrolet Pickup
I guess kits are possible, but based upon my experience with Japanese collectors of American guitars, I have my doubts.
Ah, we may be getting close to an answer at least for the classic cars, as "L-garage" mentioned in that link is just around the corner (well, a couple of miles)!
So a Sunday morning spin/test ride for some of the stock makes sense. Might try a detour round to the garage to see what we can see...
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