All week we eay the inventions of the canteen at work, and, healthy though it may be, by the weekend we are bored of cold bland food and soggy rice, so we eat foreign-style. There is, however, one Japanese restaurant in Kamakura which we are allowed to frequent on ocassion. Called Bowls, it serves bowls of rice with stuff on. The stuff is somewhat novel, sometimes with a Korean or maybe Californian twist. Here's their raw tuna with exotic sesame seed dressing and peculiar foreign-style lettuce-stuff! Doesn't it look delicious!?
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jules' pics at 1/30/2012 05:09:00 PM
Yes! How do I say looks delicious once again?
There's a Japanese restaurant here on Guam that serves this Korean-style tuna cerviche in its bento box. Kekkou oishii.
Since I retired, I try to spend at least part of the winter here on island. Must go back to Okayama day after tomorrow, though.
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