Earlier this month we climbed a small mountain called Hinode (which means sunrise). As it is a small mountain, most of the views are of, or through, trees. The tall straight trees are the Japanese cedars which will make people in Tokyo sneeze when they release their pollen in a couple of months time.

But this huge leaf is not from a Japanese cedar...

And some sides of the hill host a more natural forest.

It was a clear day and Tokyo could clearly be seen from the top. Can you see the new tallest structure in Tokyo - The Sky Tree? It is actually more similar in height to Hinode itself than to a real tree!

Some of the real trees were horizontal.

And here is the ever faithful pack pony.
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jules' pics at 1/15/2012 04:46:00 PM
I wonder where that huge leaf came from. Anyway, that seems like a nice place to go. I have never seen those trees before. They can only be found in Japan, right? I want to see one in person.
Darius Adlam
The skytree makes a very convenient navigation point when running around the streets in that part of Tokyo (Ueno/Adaksua/Shitamachi...) as its top is almost always visible above buildings on the other side of the street. Well wider main streets at least - this does not apply to the side streets, in them you only see it when you're at a junction and looking in the right direction
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