#PMIP2017 was held in Stockholm. Maybe it was the unusual warmth and sunshine, but Stockholm seemed like a very happy kind of place.

Nowhere else have I seen children swinging joyfully from the street signs.

Construction is always good sign of prosperity...?

Then there is the river

Private yachts.

Public life saving.

Posted By Blogger to jules' pics at 10/01/2017 02:17:00 PM
That's no river, it's the Baltic sea in the fourth picture. The innermost edge of the archipelago. On the other side of the buildings in the background it turns into lake Mälaren. The border between them is defined by the locks at the edges on the Old Town, keeping the waters separated.
Natives can be sensitive about these things, you know.
Swung from signs all the time as a kid and Eli was not one of the wild ones.
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