Friday, June 03, 2016

EU referendum

This isn't a political blog and I don't intend to say much about the referendum. But I do think it would be far preferable to have a result which was decided by a large proportion of the electorate, rather than a small and unrepresentative rump of extremists. So I hope all eligible readers will make sure they are registered by the deadline of 7th June. And then go on to actually use their vote on the day itself. (If you don't know which way to vote, toss a coin to decide and then see if you are relieved/disappointed at which way it landed!)


PeteB said...

"If you don't know which way to vote, toss a coin to decide and then see if you are relieved/disappointed at which way it landed"
I like that trick

PeteB said...
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Hank Roberts said...

And if you're talking with someone else who can't decide a yes/no question, define heads=yes, tails=no, toss the coin, slap your hand over it to hide the outcome, and wait.

It's profoundly effective.