Posted: 03 Nov 2014 06:38 AM PST
Cloudy Skies Research might have been a more appropriate name, because it is on the cloudy days that we do the actual science. This is not only because of the large uncertainty in future climate change due to the lack of knowledge about how clouds will respond to the changing temperature.
Our Blue Skies policy is that on the days of blue sky we go out and make the most of the sky! Such a life plan would never work in places like Yokohama or Boulder, where there are far too many sunny days, but here in Settle it is not so hard to find a reasonable work-cycling balance… So, while the brave weekend warriors battled the conditions, we were crunching data. The following Wednesday the sun came out and we spent the day cycling the same route over the hills to Littondale and back. It was so sunny that we were able to eat lunch outside and were actually too hot!!! Well, OK, so were were wearing a lot of clothing…

So exactly how much did you guys sock away in Japan??
Enough for the occasional rainy day :-)
In Japan it does not go in the sock drawer, but rather under the bed. Which is equally unfortunate in a country beset by tsunami, earthquakes and landslides...
eg here
Aside: at the moment, not found:
Will avoid disk brakes and quick releases until I read that ...
yes, our old japanese-based web pages are still overdue a rebuild...
Wereclothes? I thought the fur made that unnecessary.
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