We used to tell our Japanese friends that certain things were Better in Britain. One such myth we accidentally perpetuated was the value of stricter planning regulations. Japanese cities are, on the whole, an awful jumble of buildings. Not so in the UK, we told our friends. We clearly misunderstood completely. During our decade long sojourn overseas, Londinium has been reinventing itself as a poor replica of some chaotic south east asian mega-city.

On the other hand, one myth the British choose to believe is that working conditions in places like Tokyo are undesirable. And yet here you can see all the little Londoners toiling away in their open plan glass skyscrapers. hmmm...

This one is perhaps not quite as bad on the eye, but still, it could be anywhere... I don't see the point of all the planning people, if the result is just a boring version of one of the less exciting bits of Yokohama.
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jules' pics at 7/28/2014 01:16:00 PM
Has not been the same since London Bridge fell down...
INdeed, there's little point to planning people, but their job is to rubber stamp whatever ideas rich people come up with. Since rich people have no imagination they usually say something like "I want something like that, it looks futuristic and phallic".
Or is that the architects that say that? Anyway, the blight is spreading, Edinburgh these days is badly affected.
Of course you did something cunning with the first photo and HMS Belfast so that it looks even weirder.
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