Today is the first day of Blue Skies Research!!! It is, of course, cloudy, dark, windy and, periodically, pelting with rain. This makes it a great day to start work on revising the paper, and catching up on some other jobs. And, even though we have been in the country less than a month, we have already found some skies of the distinctly blue variety!

You are officially wets
Is that Whernside?
Rabbit: I came here for the storms. In one of my former lives I was a wave modeller, of the waves around Europe. In December, January and February there are usually 2-3 nice big storms. Much windier here than Japan!
SCM: In my best Japshire-eze, that hill would be Ingle-dake, rather than Whern-dake.
Perhaps SCM was referring to the foreground slope, which is indeed Whernside :-)
Long time since I've wandered up Ingle-dake. I favour starting from the New Inn, (Atarashii ryokan) Clapham.
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