It is astonishing the extent to which Americans wear their hearts upon their sleeves.

Only the Yakuza have tattoos in Japan, to the extent that people with tattoos are generally not welcome to bathe in the public baths.
[Lisiecki&Raymo benthic stack of the last 7 ice ages]
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jules' pics at 1/18/2013 01:33:00 PM
Why's his tattoo in French? Probably he's Canadian.
Wrong on both counts, I believe. :-) But there is no point trying to guess who she is, since all American climate scientists have tattoos (assuming the sample of 3 that I went to the bar with is representative)... My, how the world has moved on since we moved to Japan...
jules --- That is an old & famous problem in statistics (Due to LaPlace I think). I suspect you stopped checking far too early.
Er, maybe that really is a Yakuza member, and it's going to cost us all a pretty penny if we want get our next glaciation back in one piece. Oh wait...
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