Monday, July 08, 2019

Parcevall Hall

As it says on my Twitter profile (@julesberrry), I am a bad recorder player. This "skill" enables one to attend things like playing recorder weekends in big old houses with lovely gardens! The recorder is a nice quiet instrument so one really can't go wrong no matter how bad. But I still feel fortunate for not being a bad french horn player.


  1. "But I still feel fortunate for not being a bad french horn player."

    Not as fortunate as I feel for not being married to one :-)

  2. I can think of no sound worse than a french horn played badly.

    Even poorly.

  3. What are the odds that Scotland leaves the union before Northern Ireland?

  4. Don't expect to see either in my lifetime. But I don't expect brexit either :-)

  5. We got our first MTB tandem from the gardener at Parcevall Hall.
