Monday, April 06, 2015

[jules' pics] Easter in Scotland

Swans, Skunk Cabbage and Rhododendrons

skunk cabbage

Posted By Blogger to jules' pics at 4/06/2015 06:52:00 PM


  1. Skunk Cabbage is a rather degrading name for this beautiful flower. In some parts of the US the name Swamp Lantern (or Marsh Lantern) is used, which seems more appropriate.
    In Japan it is known and revered as the MizuBasho, which sometimes translates as "Water Banana Plant". In a town near to where I live the local International Society had unfortunately consulted their dictionaries before putting out an English version of their monthly newsletter - featuring a very charming "Miss Skunk Cabbage" on the front page...

  2. Well it does have quite an impressive aroma! Though I agree, it's hardly a flattering name.

  3. That's skunk cabbage? A plant of that name featured in a favourite Uncle Scrooge comic (The Twenty-four Carat Moon), wherein the alien got to deliver the line "Skunk cabbage! I live again!"

    As you were...

  4. Rhododendrons in Scotland? Hmm, I would've thought it was too cold.

  5. Yup, a well-known pest across much of the highlands, though the more showy garden varieties are generally better-behaved.

    In the Japanese mountains, a small white version is widespread, which is (presumably) native. That must survive months of serious snow and sub-zero temps.

  6. Scottish palm tree defies experts

    Also in the Royal Garden in Edinburgh.

  7. I like the Swans-pic
