Sunday, February 01, 2015

The death of dialogue

So it is reported, anyway. No sign of anything official on the CD site, but the post by Crok seems to confirm it according to google translate. It is hardly a surprise, it was hardly a roaring success from the outset and the "dialogue" that I participated in was a turgid affair where the participants were repeatedly urged to add more comments long after it had become abundantly clear to all that no-one else was reading.

Crok is touting for alternatives/replacements, and I'm amused to see he explicitly calls out a couple of those who supposedly provide a link between the denialosphere and science. Certainly, there is a gap in the market for anyone who thinks it's a worthwhile exercise...


  1. Pounding sand appears to be an activity with more of a future.

  2. Interesting, your last link refers to the Grauniad. Achtung! Dialogue and Graudian in one sentence may cause teeth gnashing and toe curling.

  3. Ook Judith Curry heeft meerdere keren aangegeven fan te zijn (meest recent nog hier) van Climate Dialogue. In haar jaaroverzicht schreef Curry (vet door mij):

    " I am a huge fan of Climate Dialogue ...."

  4. Oh, well ....
