Saturday, September 27, 2014

[jules' pics] Pen-y-ghent

Not sure whether to go backwards, forwards, or randomly in time with my backlog of unblogged photos.

This one was taken yesterday.

Sun continues unabated. Well, OK, so there is the occasional heavy rainstorm, but this is upland Britain for goodness sake... Sunday is the 3 peaks cyclocross race, traditionally a cold and rainy mudfest. After the driest September in forever, perhaps it will be a pleasant roll over the hills. This is the third peak - Pen-y-ghent - as seen yesterday, from the back of a high-speed tandem .

Pen y ghent

Posted By Blogger to jules' pics at 9/27/2014 03:14:00 PM


  1. Take away sheep and stone fences leaves a scene quite similar to springtime

  2. Nice photo, nice weather, nice geology.
