Saturday, July 26, 2014

Let's Gardening

This week it is the RHS show at Tatton Park in Cheshire. Cheshire is where the rich people who are socially blighted by northern accents have to go and live. I don't know how the show compares to the real one in London, but it was fun enough for us, and cost a fraction of a ticket to something called The Open (which seems to be some kind of sporting event, not far away). 

There were a lot of little show gardens. The gardening style is quite different from Japan, with a lot less vegetative taxidermy and a lot more grass and colourful flowers on long stalks, which can look a bit scruffy if not carefully done. Here are a couple of the good ones.

It is important to get there early as it just gets busier through the day.
10am - There were almost as many Pimms & Champagne tents as there were show gardens. However, this ready access to alcohol turned out to be very useful in the early afternoon when we got a phone call from our solicitor to say we have exchanged contracts on the house we are hoping to buy in Settle! Hurrah - a home for BlueSkiesResearch is on the horizon!
By early afternoon the tents were starting to fill up.
By mid-afternoon it was warm and busy.
This was the best display I saw from a shop. 

And this is surely the best gizmo - the iMow! Uncle In Law definitely needs one of these.
There was even fashion - because it was "Ladies Day". There was also a competition for the best frocked lady. This was done, I suppose, so that they could get an even greater of a percentage of the Cheshire Wives to attend.

Posted by jules (accidentally logged in to Blogger as James! wups.)


  1. What a fun event, Great pictures too! I like the iMow - maybe a darker shade of green. Thanks for sharing - Carole

  2. IMow is a nice try, but I suspect it's going to become known as the Lawnba.
