Monday, March 31, 2014

Bunny bunny bunny murder mystery

There are bunnies everywhere. Many are alive. But quite a lot of them dead from myxy. Others are dead from cars. But today we found a mystery one, just inside the front door of a house we viewed.
It wasn't a ferret what done it, but thanks to the Stoat for alerting me to the excellent bad estate agents photos blog. I suppose my photo does not count as it was not taken by an estate agent, but the dead bunny at the front door approach it is surely an excellent way of making sure the wrong sort of people do not buy the property. 

We suspect it died of thirst after getting trapped inside the empty house. Does that mean the house has holes in it large enough to let in a bunny?! Should we go and live there so we can find out? Might that be fun...?


  1. Our cats are forever leaving little presents o bunnies, in our lounge, that would be my bet. Stoats and ferrets kill messy, cats can kill without leaving a visible mark, play with them to death.

  2. No cat. The house had been unoccupied for several months.

  3. That terrible estate agent photos site has me in tears. Very funny, thank you!

    As for the poor bunny, maybe Eli knows.


  4. Could this guy have run the bunny down?

    Looks the to be the ticket for those times when the skies haven’t been particularly blue. Or the odd rabbiticide.


  5. I'm ashamed to say our unicycles have not yet been reunited with their pedals, though they are close at hand. Should really take them out for a spot of rabbit hunting.

  6. Looks like Eli after hearing that Frontier threw Lew under the bus.

  7. Most likely -- an agent, after showing the house, put all the toilet lids down, but forgot to close the back door -- and ran back the next day, pulled the door closed and locked it.

    Next up, someone found a hole and nailed a screen over it, without putting an exit-only hatch on it for a few days first.


  8. Well Weasels don't have the best reputation for such stuff and there are silly bunnies out there, Eli hears that Roger has been on vacation after the last unpleasantness. Hmmmmm

    As to what is happening at Frontiers, stay tuned. Trying to toss Super Lew under the bus may not have been the world's best move

  9. Following his move to Bristol, perhaps Porta Lew would be appropriate?

  10. Hed: "Potty-mouthed editor resigns!"

    Better hope David Rose doesn't find out about this.
