Monday, January 06, 2014

Blue Skies Research official inauguration

Today is the first day of Blue Skies Research!!! It is, of course, cloudy, dark, windy and, periodically, pelting with rain. This makes it a great day to start work on revising the paper, and catching up on some other jobs. And, even though we have been in the country less than a month, we have already found some skies of the distinctly blue variety!


  1. Rabbit: I came here for the storms. In one of my former lives I was a wave modeller, of the waves around Europe. In December, January and February there are usually 2-3 nice big storms. Much windier here than Japan!

    SCM: In my best Japshire-eze, that hill would be Ingle-dake, rather than Whern-dake.

  2. Perhaps SCM was referring to the foreground slope, which is indeed Whernside :-)

  3. Long time since I've wandered up Ingle-dake. I favour starting from the New Inn, (Atarashii ryokan) Clapham.
