Wednesday, July 03, 2013

[jules' pics] Old Faithful Inn

After a night at Lake Yellowstone we moved to the Old Faithful Log Cabin so that we could run outside every 90 minutes to watch the eponymous geyser.
James at Old Faithful Inn
Old Faithful Inn
Old Faithful Inn
Old Faithful with Inn behind
This view was taken before breakfast, from just up the hill, with the geyser casting a shadow over the inn.

Posted By Blogger to jules' pics at 7/03/2013 09:00:00 AM


  1. That's a nice shot of OF there. Do you mind if I use it (with attribution, of course) for a website I am doing about Yellowstone research?

  2. If it is a non commerical enterprise, then you can use it. If you intend to make money out of it then I want 110% of all your income for ever. :-)

  3. Montana State University, NSF, Yellowstone Park Foundation and National Park Service. It is a site for the dissemination of research into the geology and biology of thermophiles.


  4. The early morning view is a little exaggerated, the cold air (it was a frosty and calm morning) means there's a much taller plume of cloud that goes well above the water jet.

  5. Did you bring your earplugs? The lodge has very thin walls and at least 25 years ago no sound insulation. The dining room was nice though.

  6. As it happens, we did have one annoyingly noisy night...but apart from that it was lovely.
