Tuesday, July 09, 2013

A Rose by any other name...

...would probably still write rubbish in the Daily Wail.

As some of you noticed, the PCC issued this statement (concerning the article I blogged about here) while I was away hunting bears and geysers and things. Complaining to the PCC was jules' idea, and turned out to be a very simple process, requiring little more than reading a couple of web pages (to work out whether/how the code of conduct might have been breached) and filling in a web form. The Mail quickly offered me the right of reply, or the alternative of a reasonably-worded correction, and I plumped for the latter.  It was all much easier, I suspect, than trying to approach either Rose or the newspaper directly (mud wrestling with pigs comes to mind).


  1. Hmm, are they still trying to wiggle out? "Dr Annan now predicts" ...

  2. Well, I wasn't really that bothered about the precise details, especially as I was about to go on holiday at the time. I think the main point is clear enough - and the original article has been altered too.

  3. I find the wording "now" also very troubling.

    It sounds like "he said back then X but *now* he says Y". The correction doesn't make it clear IMO that James never said those things in the first place and that David Rose just pulled it out of his ass.

    I image people reading this and saying "well those climate scientists, one day they say so and the next day they say otherwise. The science is clearly not in on global warming." ;)
