Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Tamagawa 10k

A Happy New Year to all of my reader.

This year, I had a cunning plan for my New Year resolutions, making one of them to be that I run 10km in less than 40 minutes. Having entered a race on the morning of the 1st Jan, I had hopes of ticking that one off early in the year.

It didn't work out quite like that, unfortunately. The course seemed to be about 300m too long, according to both jules and I (note my watch shut off while waiting at the start line so missed part of the race), also subsequently checked with a measurement on walkjogrun.net. Although it was flat, the running surface was loose gravel, with a bit of grass, which made it heavy going (and possibly explains the mis-measurement, if they used a wheel). Given that, our times were fairly respectable, but that doesn't help with the NY resolution!

1 comment:

  1. Akemashita Omedeto James & Jules!
