Saturday, January 19, 2013

[jules' pics] 17 miles

On my recent travels, more than one person wondered why I was bothering to carry a camera in New Jersey. [Americans are like that - they make personal comments to strangers as a form of social oppression - to force them to regress to the mean.] Princeton and Rutgers universities are 17 miles apart, and not precisely identical.

Princeton University
Rutgers University
Princeton University GuestHouse (free cookies!)
Palmer House
Rutgers Preferred Hotel (free swimming pool!)
Horrible Inn
Another can't believe it - Tom Selleck is on TV! It really is the 1980s here in New Jersey!

Posted By Blogger to jules' pics at 1/19/2013 12:24:00 PM


  1. Probably the Selleck thing is because they miss their beaches. Could be worse, though, could be Hasselhoff.
