Thursday, July 19, 2012

[jules' pics] Employment Opportunity!!!

James being frowny
Come and work with this nice man (and me) in lovely Japan!
The position is part of a big new multi-centre project which has just got its English name, ICA-RUS: "Integrated Climate Assessment - Risks, Uncertainties and Society". There is the opportunity to work with many of the most active climate scientists in Japan as well as scary James. Actually James is the nice one - and he only uses his scathing expressions on me! The working conditions are pretty good too...

Posted By Blogger to jules' pics at 7/19/2012 10:00:00 PM




  2. Sadly I don't meet the requirements ("Curse you Engineering PhD!!!"). I was wondering about the employment length:

    "The initial period of employment is from October 1st, 2012 to March 31st, 2013 (one Japanese fiscal year)"

    No wonder the financial system is in a mess!

  3. Rofl. Yes it's a 9 year Japanese project which neatly fits into 4.5 of your Earth years.

  4. The administrators don't have brains, just "rules", which aren't actually rules at all, but open to the interpretation of the top administrators, who are individuals that change jobs quite often. So we never know the details of what will be allowed from one year to the next (and it really does vary, at least the level of details), but one thing that is certain and consistent is the high level of cognitive dissonance.
