Thursday, April 19, 2012

[jules' pics] Forest

Forest, originally uploaded by julesberry2001.

This is a test post. The camera on my ipad is awful, but I bought an Eye-Fi card, so should be able to blog photos from my camera via the ipad. Has it worked?

[Tenen hiking course - the alternative route to work - note cherry blossom romantically decorating the path]

Posted By Blogger to jules' pics at 4/19/2012 09:09:00 AM


  1. You can run to work through this - I'm envious!

  2. Please do come and try it in August.


  3. Yes, it is indeed very pleasant, though there is a chunk of road too.

  4. I'm sure I'd enjoy it - my favourite race is at the start of autumn so I (usually) train hard in summer and I'm far from alone. Sometimes long runs finish in 30+C once at 41C. You do get used to it and you meet runners who live where climate is more difficult and still enjoy running.
