Sunday, April 22, 2012

EGU 2012

I've been a bit quiet on the blogging front recently, due to a number of factors. The EGU is about to start, but sadly we are not attending this year - we submitted abstracts (and I'm even co-convening a session) but the combination of the JAMSTEC cock-ups around the end of the financial year on top of some other commitments made it all a bit too challenging. I'm particularly disappointed to be missing the climate sensitivity session to which Michel had invited me. On the other hand, it must be admitted that these meetings do get a bit samey if you turn up every year, as for the most part the rate of progress isn't that great, so you mainly get to see moderate updates rather than revolutionary new ideas. We are certainly planning on turning up next year though, by which time there will surely be lots of new stuff.

I'll still have a poster in the paleoclimate session, though - thanks to the session convenor who kindly offered to take it from Hawaii. I've got some new numbers (which will be revealed in a couple of weeks at the PMIP meeting) and it's all terribly exciting but I'm keeping it under wraps for now...


  1. I don't know how closely you follow Geology (the journal), but there are a couple of papers on the e-prerelease site showing paleodetection of deepwater upwelling/production predicted by models. Not a conference, but possibly interesting.

    (disclaimer- one is by a colleague, another is by an old college buddy)

  2. PMIP meeting just 40 miles away - nearly close enough to try and sneak in and heckle Jules. ;-)

  3. The site will probably be well guarded and secured, they might not let you out :-)
