Wednesday, November 23, 2011

New leak?

Some people might be surprised to hear me say it, but I think this new leak provides damning evidence of shoddy behaviour. There is clearly inept leadership at the heart of the organisation, plenty of back-biting, and the way in which junior and more conscientious colleagues who refused to toe the party line were bullied and ridiculed is shameful. Many of these people who I had trusted to do their honest best are clearly motivated far more by money than the desire to do their jobs properly. There certainly isn't much evidence of the sort of ethos that we are entitled to expect from people in their position.

I find the whole thing truly shameful, and call upon all those involved to resign. It's time for a new broom.

More details can be found here.


  1. I'd warn everyone not to stretch those "local climate" conclusions too far, and certainly not to the global scale.

    It's clear to me that the local climate was obviously better as far as Wales is concerned! Thus, overall, the regional picture is quite rosey, IMHO.

    And it's clear from the RWC results that the Southern Hemisphere still dominates the global picture, although even there there are regions (e.g. in the west) that buck that trend.

  2. Heh, you've got me going there for a brief moment guv!

  3. Me too, you naughty Scotsman, you!

  4. Can someone teach Mr. P. Lewis how to click on a link before commenting, please?

  5. Can someone teach Chuck something about rugby and allegory and allusion, please!

  6. As usual, it is the embattled Pacific Island nations who have taken matters into their own hands.

  7. Yeah, by emigrating to richer countries....maybe there really is a lesson for climate change there :-)

    Though to be fair there seem to be far more NZ-born in Samoa than vice versa...

  8. I just knew there was a punchline!

  9. Oops - you can delete that previous comment if you want.

    Actually, I came here looking for your take on Schmittner et al.

  10. I wrote a bit back then but have more to say now I've read and digested it - stay tuned!

  11. It was as soon as you mentioned money that I knew you were pulling my leg. Scientists don't take up science because they want a lavish life style.
