Sunday, November 20, 2011

[jules' pics] Spot the difference

For those who found the last puzzle too difficult...

Posted By Blogger to jules' pics at 11/20/2011 09:21:00 PM


  1. Oh! I get it, the lighting's different!

  2. Egrets give me more trouble than corvids - but the garish yellow/black leg/toe combination I think leave Little Egret or a very lost Snowy Egret and the lores eliminate the very unlikely possibility of a Snowy on the wrong side of the pacific.

    This subspecies of the Eurasian Tree Sparrow is much more handsome than the european subspecies - I didn't recognise him at first.

  3. The mouseover is a bit of a giveaway :-)

  4. I think the bottom one is some kind of bird.

  5. The previous one was easy. It's obvious that they were all facing left apart from the second.

    This one is much harder, much too surreal... unless it's because they are both the odd one out because they are facing different directions.

    Ah! Yes. It is surrealism at play. Left or right? D7000 or not for Xmas?

    Sorry. I'll get my hat and...
