Saturday, November 05, 2011

[jules' pics] Let's (not) Marathon

While a walk in the park (i.e. a 10km) is harmless enough,
Shonan Marathon 2011
and can even be fun,
10 K finishers
the reasons not to run a full marathon are legion...
Finishers in pain
Worse, these are the good (sub-3hr) guys,
salty exhaustion
natural runners,
gasping his last
who should have been having fun...
Collapsing at the finish
finished finisher
There was a shuttle bus back to the station which followed the course, from where we saw the carnage of the 4 hour-plussers... stumbling zombies, bodies piled by the roadside, wheelchairs, ambulances etc. But here's jules, happy to have beaten 1500 (wow) men! And I had a cold.

Posted By Blogger to jules' pics at 11/05/2011 04:16:00 PM


  1. Well, IIRC the original marathoner dropped dead right afterwards, whereas the original 10ker probably did something like have a beer with friends afterwards, so it all seems to fit.

  2. To be fair he did it twice, so perhaps these guys are only half-dead.

  3. They look it!

    I remember reading somewhere that marathoners tend to be pretty perky up through about the 80% point, and that it's the last bit that does them in.
