Saturday, June 18, 2011

Solar power!?!

Well it seems like JAMSTEC has taken our advice...

...those black panels appear to be solar panels. I'm not sure that mounting them vertically, pointing only a few degrees south of due west, and facing directly at our building from which this picture was taken, is the most effective location. Our buildings have large flat roofs, easily accessible and only partly covered in airconditioner fans. Still, at least they are trying...


  1. Curious placing, as you say. Meanwhile: how is Fukashima coming along? Its all gone very quiet, news-wise. Are you all dead, or all you all boringly alive?

  2. hm, maybe someone in that particular room put them up, who didn't have access to any other location, anticipating the power shortage this summer. Maybe they're supporting the battery on a UPS for some machine that can't take brownouts or power rolling blackouts?

    Looks like they'd collect some reflected light from those angled (glass?) awnings below them. You might photograph them at local noon showing the sun angle today and in six months.

  3. You might have better luck if you google on FukUshima :-)
    Things are still pretty messed up there, lots of leakage and radioactive waste piling up, but it's not going to blow up.

    Hank, the buildings are under one management. There is actually a small panel on the roof of another building purely for show as part of an eco-exhibition. I speculate that perhaps they got hold of some panels that were not hardened for outdoor use?

  4. May not be the angle to mount them but someday we will be mounting them on every piece of real estate available. Might as well use to it now.

  5. I can now remember that I don't know if it is U or A. But I can't remember which is right.

    But anyway, its all transliteration from the Japanese, so Shirley there is no right answer?

    Thanks for the beeb link though. I feel another rant coming on.

  6. Well the sounds are different enough that it matters to them :-)

    Fuku means luck or wealth. Fuka is wrong or inadvisable. Maybe you were right after all!

  7. Solar panels are very common all over the world. Many households do have this equipment because of the significance that they could gain from it. Cheaper panels are now available also.
