Wednesday, June 08, 2011

[jules' pics] Churches

The hunt for 2nd churches of anything American remains fruitless. One small town we visited called Page, in Arizona, contains little other than churches, mostly either 1st churches of X or Unified churches of Y, all lined up along the main street. I couldn't bear to photograph such unanimous division, so instead...

Green River, being practically a ghost town, has just three churches, of which this is one:
church, Green River

In cuddly Boulder, one church has taken the bold decision of investing in stewardship of the environment, by exposing half a massive roof to the sun, which is nice of them:

But why are they using 5KW all night?!

Posted By jules to jules' pics at 6/08/2011 02:11:00 PM


  1. My bet would be that 4kW is heating. I bet they run it all night, and that the roof isn't very well insulated. But you could ask them.
    Looking on the bright side, now they are drawing all those pretty graphs, I am sure that some church members are asking themselves the same question.

  2. How did you arrive at this figure?
    Do you have somekind of spiritual insight into such matters, or are they readily available for even
    heathen to peruse?

  3. Anonymous: Links are made for clicking...

  4. IIRC for 2nd etc. churches you need Christian Scientists and a town big enough to have more than one. Denver seems to have at least six. It's interesting that other denominations appear to think humilty is all well and good, but not when it comes to admitting that one's church is other than #1.

  5. There seem to be a lot of 1st banks too. 1st Cowboy bank, 1st Bank of the Rocky PInnacle... that sort of thing.

  6. Well what do you expect? We're #1! :)

  7. I also don't understand how generated power peaks at 9 pm and is still nonzero at midnight? How big is the difference time zone time minus local Solar time in Boulder?

    Update: damn, this graphing utility seems to use my time zone!! Smart... can this really be true? Then, the panel is aiming pretty much due South...

  8. Too bad you missed the Second Baptist Church of Boulder...

  9. Anonymous: woo hoo! Go baptists! James did some Googling and even found a 9th!!!

  10. Baptists!? Softshell no doubt...

    But IIRC they don't make a regular practice of this. Where was the 9th (or was that CS)?

  11. There are a few Ninth Baptists, this is the top google hit. There are also all the smaller natural numbers, but the only Tenth I found seemed to be Tenth St which is a bit of a cheat.

    Coincidentally that Second Baptist is literally 3 min walk from where we were staying in Boulder...but in a direction we don't often go...

  12. As I view from Tokyo, the roof of the Mountainview Methodist Church produces net power from midnight to 8 a.m.

    But it was hard for me to realize that "12 a.m." is midnight and "12 p.m." is noon. I first thought that the time axis of their graph runs from right to left (as in some geologists' presentation of paleoclimate records). Logically they should be "0 a.m." and "0 p.m.". In everyday life, I use "12 o'clock at night" and "12 o'clock in the daytime".

  13. I never know which is 12am and 12pm and the standard convention seems wrong to me too. Hence (or otherwise) I prefer the 24h system :-)
