Thursday, April 21, 2011

[jules' pics] New Vienna

Yes - a sadly predictable post after yesterday's. As a formerly amazingly important and now amazingly irrelevant city, Vienna has a kind of sick desperation in its modern building...

leaning buildings
Just like Sakuragicho, the Viennese can make leaning buildings too!

Austria Center
The Austria Center - the present home of the EGU conference. It is OK inside although this year some of the rooms were too cold. Particularly the one used for the paleoclimate sessions could have been more like the Last Inter Glacial and less like the Last Glacial Maximum. Luckily I had my magic sweater with me. I did not realise it was magic when I made it - but it is incredibly light, warm and compressible. The only issue is having to avoid geeks with rucksacs and velcroey jackets while wearing it, as the loopy weave pulls badly. But really it is quite nice to have an excuse to avoid rubbing up against them...

Posted By jules to jules' pics at 4/21/2011 11:58:00 AM


  1. "But really it is quite nice to have an excuse to avoid rubbing up against them."

    You needed an excuse? :)


  2. OT: It's early, but this (from a month ago, although I just spotted it) has to be the Japanese science story of the century.

  3. Steve Bloom


    And of course red wine works best...

  4. Synchronously, wv sez: "trapp"
