Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Japanese "too stupid to change their clocks"

The Govt didn't actually use that form of words, preferring the old standby "confusion". Which sounds pretty much like "too stupid" but really just means "we don't want to do it so are pretending it would be a lot of trouble". Of course, as I mentioned before, some companies are planning on running their working days 1h earlier than usual, but others are not, which somehow isn't going to cause any confusion at all, oh no...

I don't know if JAMSTEC is going to change its official working day. Perhaps they will set up a working group to consider the question and formulate a policy around October or thereabouts. Of course we work the hours we want (within reason) but things like the canteen timings could change, or not. We try to get up earlier than usual in the summer anyway, because there is so much early daylight and it's painfully hot cycling to work in full sun much after 8am. But that does leave us waiting a long time for our dinner.

In other news, the Govt is introducing its "cool biz" uniform change earlier than usual, and this is also apparently not confusing. I'm not really sure why people aren't allowed to wear what they want in accordance with the actual temperature rather than changing clothes according to some arbitrary date on a calendar, but then again, I'm not Japanese...

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