Saturday, March 12, 2011

Mildly inconvenienced

Niel (left) had a great interview on the Nolan show (BBC 5live). The phrase "post-apocalyptic" was used.

Hugo (right) suggested that "mildly inconvenienced" might be closer to the mark. Things always feel better after a hearty pancake breakfast.

Some trains running now, perhaps, though not quite the ones we want. Looks like we'll be home tonight somehow.


  1. cool I know Hugo from his days at Oxford - he's out there? I'm glad you guys are OK but still you're just lucky you're far from the action. I mean "stiff-upper-lip" Britishisms still can't hide the fact that this was the 5th largest earthquake recorded

  2. The Beeb needs you. R4 this morning featured a reporter saying stuff like "unfortunately no-one here speaks English and I can't speak Japanese so it is hard to know what is going on".

  3. Well they know where to find me - though Niel seems to be quite the media tart.

    Carl, yes there's quite a bunch of visitors, all safely accounted for now, which adds to the fun (and explains why I got stuck in Tsukuba). Hugo and Niel are now transferred to their respective hotels and jules and I have got home. Agree that we were lucky to not be closer, but also think it's best to avoid too much overexcitement, the wall-to-wall disaster coverage has quite an insidious effect. Planning to have a quiet evening with some tea and cricket :-)

  4. Good to do a check and find out the quake didn't rattle you.


  5. Tea and cricket?

    Taken up eating insects?

  6. They are very good fried. Like locusts.
