Wednesday, March 23, 2011

[jules' pics] Sorts of duck



Mallard, and Northern Pintail being chased by Wigeon, all in Hachimangu pond, Kamakura. I noticed that one of the Northern Pintails at Hachimangu is more elegant than the others, with a striking glint of green to his head, so I was interested to see on the internets that Mallards and Northern Pintails can inter-breed! Meanwhile, at home, we are still enjoying duck-fried potatoes, Ducky having been eaten at Christmas last year.

Posted By jules to jules' pics at 3/23/2011 04:44:00 PM


  1. There is actually a book - 600 pages of less than riveting reading - listing all known bird hybrids. The lists for duck species are extensive - partly because its commonr to keep numbers of species together in captivity. Compound hybrids also occur so you could have a Widgeon/Mallard/Pintail hybrid.

  2. Thanks, that sounds like an ideal Christmas present for one particular person...I'll look out for it :-)
