Monday, February 07, 2011

[jules' pics] 2/07/2011 05:11:00 AM

Oranges and daffodils, originally uploaded by julesberry2001.

Oranges and daffodils.
A special post for James' readers,
who will send corrections.

It isn't even a proper Haiku!

[Engakuji, Kamakura]

Posted By Blogger to jules' pics at 2/07/2011 05:11:00 AM


  1. Bogroll is still damp
    Orange-like fruits are flattened
    More drying needed

  2. Are the oranges tasty?

    What about the daffodils?

  3. I don't know how they taste. They are forbidden fruit - only the monks or their gardeners would know. Generally people tend to leave them on the trees and buy neatly wrapped up ones from the supermarket instead.

    Daffodils are no doubt very tasty, but I'm allergic, unfortunately...

  4. Daffodils are poisonous, just in case any person reading this is tempted to investigate further...
