Sunday, January 16, 2011

Thanks but...

I was just listening to the news, when an email arrived, inviting me to a Tunis. Oh well.

(Of course, the meeting is some way off, and probably things will be OK by then, but in fact I have another engagement on the dates in question. Which is a shame as a trip to Tunisia would otherwise be very tempting.)

1 comment:

  1. I see a lot more flooding around the world in those news articles. In Queensland, Australia, the area affected is supposed to be about 500,000sq km.

    Looking it up I found this, from David Karoly.

    ''Australia has been known for more than 100 years as a land of droughts and flooding rains, but what climate change means is Australia becomes a land of more droughts and worse flooding rains,'' David Karoly, from Melbourne University's school of earth sciences, said.
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    Professor Karoly stressed individual events could not be attributed to climate change. But the wild extremes being experienced by the continent were in keeping with scientists' forecasts of more flooding associated with increased heavy rain and more droughts as a result of high temperatures and more evaporation.

    ''On some measures it's the strongest La Nina in recorded history … [but] we also have record-high ocean temperatures in northern Australia which means more moisture evaporating into the air,'' he said. ''And that means lots of heavy rain.''

