Friday, September 03, 2010

[jules' pics] 9/03/2010 05:54:00 AM

beach #1, originally uploaded by julesberry2001.

Ayr beach again. One way in which Scotland is superior to Japan is that when the sun does eventually shine the light quality is never far from "Golden Hour".

Posted By jules to jules' pics at 9/03/2010 05:54:00 AM


  1. A beautiful sunny beach and still summertime, but oddly that doesn't look much like a bathing suit.

  2. Is this a guessing game? I'm unable to spot the blue dog...


  3. Oddly, despite the summer heat, it never occurred to me to go swimming.

    It didn't seem to occur to any of the other people we saw on the beach over the weekend, either.

  4. Do Scots know how to swim?

    [Word varificatin agrees: "soright".]

  5. More importantly, they know not to risk trying :-)

    Actually I should stop doing down my home town, because Ayr beach is generally clean and excellent for swimming, but now I've got used to Japanese summers it could do with being about 10C warmer.

  6. cynicus - the blue dog was inside cowering by the fire :-)
