Wednesday, October 07, 2009

[jules' pics] 10/06/2009 07:46:00 PM

raven, originally uploaded by julesberry2001.

More exotic wildlife! Japan has jungle crows, which are rather big, but the well fed ravens of the USA are even bigger, and as we all know, bigger is better. Furthermore, the ravens seem to not only be more friendly but also more vocally gifted, saying a number of things other than "CAW".

Posted By jules to jules' pics at 10/06/2009 07:46:00 PM


  1. Nice pic but they are in Japan too - right round the palearctic in fact - but they might be scarce or limited to the north/mountains.

  2. Wikipedia suggests the raven doesn't get far enough south for us, but anyway we weren't really meaning to imply it wasn't here at all, just that the crows are far more common (in fact they are considered a significant nuisance in cities).

  3. Had a few crows eating a dead rat in the street outside our house today. Not sure how this more than tangentially related, but that fact that I had a lot less body to eventually dispose of means I'm quite happy for the crows to be around.

    It was also good for once to see the magpies coming off second best.


    "the ravens seem to not only be more friendly but also more vocally gifted, saying a number of things other than "CAW""


  4. Yet more than nevermore, as it happens. They're very good mimics, second only to mynahs in my experience. I don't know how ravens stack up vocabulary-wise, but I wouldn't be surprised to see them ranking first.
