Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A year with no summer

Every year the Japanese Meteorological Agency announces the start and end of rainy season across Japan. Rainy season is a meteorological phenomenon (basically a front between air masses of different characteristics which sits across the middle of the country), not merely a state of weather, so it doesn't necessarily directly relate to rain stopping and starting, but the period does usually consist of a wet few weeks.

The end of rainy season was announced here (everywhere south and west of Tokyo inclusive) several weeks ago, but this year it didn't actually stop raining. They never got round to announcing the end of rainy season in the northern regions, and now they are saying that autumn is coming without any summer at all! We managed to sneak in a quick three-day walking trip recently, two days of which were largely rain, and now the first typhoon of the year is dumping a load of rain as it passes by.

So much for the famous 4 seasons of Japan (which are uniquely unique and don't exist anywhere else in the world, apparently)!

At least they didn't predict a hot summer...although with temperatures ranging from 24-30C it is still quite warm enough for me.


  1. from your link:

    > first time in the six years since
    > 2003...failed to identify the end
    > of the rainy season in the region.
    > The agency began to make such
    > announcements in 1951.

    So, not the ice age coming?

  2. No, as the article suggests we had another year of no summer not so long ago. I don't know how common they are historically.

    There is still a month left in which to fit in some pretty hot weather anyway. The forecast has just turned generally fine...
