Thursday, November 08, 2007

This blog's reading level is....

I suppose that means I am longwinded and incomprehensible. Who'da thunk it?

This seems to be the latest blog meme...not that I go in for such lowbrow things usually, but I thought I should point out that Stoat is at Junior High level :-)

Update: Oh no - this post has dropped me to a mere post-grad - I guess that just shows that blog memes are bad for your intelligence. I'd better add something pretentious about a Transformative Hermeneutics of Quantum Gravity or carbon dioxide production by benthic bacteria. Incidentally, the latter apparently fooled Benny Peiser who circulated it on his mailing list, but unfortunately people spoilt the fun by quickly pointing out it was a hoax before the likes of Inhofe or Crichton had a chance to pick it up. Desmogblog lists the gullible.


  1. This post must be easy to understand bringing your level down to

    College (Postgrad)

  2. Depends on your target audience, I guess :-)

  3. Serious question, what reading level do thee (and me) aim for. In my case it varies with the post and its purpose, but I am a dull rabett.

  4. Well yes. For the lighter Japanese fluff, I hope it may be amusing for a wide audience. For the more technical stuff, I am actually hoping to learn the views of people who might know more than I do (at least about some aspects of the issue), and the simplification (such as it is) is partly a function of Blogger's inability to do real maths (eg LaTeX).

  5. Fun toy.

    I'm surprised my song lyrics didn't drag me down to pre-school level...

  6. Congratulations on your continued improvement to College (undergrad) :)

  7. Must work on that. Don't want any riff-raff turning up :-)
