Monday, October 01, 2007


Well no sooner do I go away for a week than Jules makes a "special guest appearance" or three. Suppose I can't really complain since her name is invoked in the URL. But rest assured, the riot troops are in the lounge, tear gas grenades have been thrown (well, the after-effects of a Loch Fyne kipper and 24h of travelling come to much the same sort of thing) and I expect to have fully suppressed this insurgency shortly.

Actually, given that someone felt sufficiently motivated to comment, I may encourage her to write more.


  1. Well, Welcome back but can we have more Jules as well please? The last couple of posts with insight into Japanese culture have been fascinating. I love the concept of moe - suddenly what I see in the canteen everyday starts to make more sense (Europeans are the ethnic minority).
    But I guess that any posts are better than no posts at all...

  2. Welcome back; though Jules was good: a more human touch perhaps. Now you've stopped globetrotting, you'll have time to take on Hansen:

  3. Hello from Montpellier at south of France.
    What do you think of who thinks that Greenhouse Gas Hypothesis Violates Fundamentals of Physics ?

  4. S'ok, I wasn't really going to banish her barefoot to the kitchen - not least because I generally prefer my own cooking :-)

    Belette - noted. Jean-Michel - that looks like garden-variety crackpottery, and it's not even new. In particular, Josh Halpern here is worth reading.
