Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Patrick Moore blames women for 'banal' TV

As reported on the news (and he was on the radio saying much the same things). Personally, I'm sure that men are fully capable of making banal TV without a woman's touch. And if it wasn't banal, no-one would watch it anyway.

Jules had the pleasure of meeting Sir Patrick, when she was doing her PhD at the IOA. Moore was there one day to interview some scientist or other, along with camera crew. She wasn't involved, but happened to be in the kitchen area with a (female) friend making themselves a cup of tea just as he was leaving. He passed them with a cheery "Thanks for the lunch, girls". For what else could a 20-something female in an astronomy institute be, other than a waitress/cook/etc?

I shouldn't be too hard on someone who was born in the 1920s. But unless we want to return to them, there seems little reason to give much weight to his pronouncements on social change!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Guys!

    This is a revamp of a video about GW I did a few months ago, which I think you posted on your site. I used the term anthropomorphic instead of anthropogenic. Silly and rather embarrassingJ That’s corrected now, and I’ve tightened up the voice over so it’s a but shorter, coming in at about 5 mins.

    It also touches on the scientific method, and the damage that creationism has done to science in general, so although not the typical fare of your site, it may be of interest.

    If the video helps your audience, by all means use it.


    Brian Coughlan

    Brian Coughlan
