Saturday, January 20, 2007

Creation 6, Evolution 0


  1. Can you explain a bit more? I've been watching and participating in the culture wars for a couple of years now, and to be honest your headline for this post is provocative, even though all it is linked to is some general politicking, nothing to worry about.

  2. If any of you get a chance, there is an oil business scientist working in our town and commenting on Global warming at the town's newspaper Blog.

    He is a huge skeptic and seems to be in the business of creating more skeptics.

    Our town, and the people that live in Terrebonne parish have been recently hurt through deregulations of environmental protections because we are in an area hit by hurricanes. Many people have lost their homes and many more suffer from higher insurance rates. The oil business is running a campaign to deepen a canal so that they can do more business as the the oil industry moves to deeper waters. The canal is dubbed the 'Houma Hurricane highway' it is real name is the Houma Navigational Canal or HNC. 8000 miles of canals dug by the oil and gas exploration business has ruined the Louisiana wetlands and sped up erosion. Please do anything that you can to help get the right information into the public debates and forums. Local business interests run the town and parish.

  3. here is the link to one of the threads where this is discussed.

  4. Guthrie,

    Well I do like to be provocative :-) The headline is just based on a word count in the linked document. If prominent scientists hadn't signed up to it, I probably wouldn't have commented at all.

  5. So James Hansen agrees to a statement that the Earth and the Universe is created?

    That, for James Hansen, is not even a surprise...
