Monday, January 23, 2006

Quote of the day

(An old article - I just happened to find it today). Having eaten my share of deep-fried pizzas during my childhood, I have to say the Mediterranean influence seems exceedingly tenuous. For any poor deprived souls who've not encountered this glorious foodstuff, look here and here. Wikipedia is disappointingly silent on the subject, only giving it a passing mention on the deep-fried Mars bar page :-) DFMB were never much more than a passing gimmick - but DFP have long been a staple of the Scotttish diet.


  1. Now that's a memory from my time in Scotland that I had surpressed.

    I can't believe that anyone who has actually eaten a deep fried pizza could regard it as being in any way related to the "Mediterranean Diet"!


  2. Er, how (to say nothing of why) does one "deep fry" a pizza? I had always associated deep-frying with cooking via full immersion in a vat of oil. Does the term mean something else in Scotland? One would think that pizza would have a hard time surviving the process (speaking strictly literally here).

    And say, whatever happened to haggis? Can't it be deep-fried? :)

  3. Fold it up calzone-style. The type of pizza used is a cheap and nasty frozen one with a thick bready base and fairly meagre topping, so it turns out something like a deep-fried cheese, onion and tomato sandwich.

    I can only imagine that this Petticrew person has never actually seen, let alone tasted, one.

  4. We always enjoyed the deep fried Mars bars. Beans on toast, fried bread, ah the tasty joys of the British Isles.

    Then of course, there was the Faraday Discussion where they served the salad, soup and sandwich luncheon. The salad on Monday, the soup on Tuesday, the sandwich on Wednesday. On Thursday we missed dessert and went out to the pub and had beer and crisps. Unfortunately the crisps were the better tasting dill lamb and cheese flavor.
