Monday, January 09, 2006

Best Blonde Joke

For a change from the usual mix of climate-science-and-Japanese-trivia, I was going to blog about number theory, but I noticed this wonderful blonde joke via Cosmic Variance which is much more fun.


  1. As a redhead with a blonde significant other I find blonde jokes endlessly amusing, so this was perfect. I actually did spend a few minutes cruising through the links, assuming that I would find the circle at some point, but despite seeing a bunch of interesting-looking blogs I probably would never have seen otherwise, I never did hit a repeat. Probably I didn't even get to one of the originals. An amusing diversion, though. One imagines infinite blondes, infinitely circling...

    Actually with enough blogs in the original circle I can imagine that at least one would have subsequently changed their link to one not in the circle, thus making it impossible to ever really tell where this came from.

  2. I guess I'm the blondest, cos I went and found the joke itself on some random Livejournal user's blog. Purely for research purposes, you understand :-)

    Do you think we should tell GWB about it and see how long it keeps him out of trouble for?

  3. You mean there actually was a joke?! That's actually findable by following the links?

    Regarding GWB, it would be great progress if we could substitite the search for the blonde joke for the search for victory in Iraq, but the blonde joke would need to not be findable for them to be strictly parallel.

    Er, and what is the joke?

  4. Steve,

    I'm not sure I understand your question. Of course there's a joke!

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. CIP,

    Sorry, I felt I had to remove your spoiler so Steve (and other readers) could enjoy it properly :-) Pleased to hear that you enjoyed it anyway.

    Actually I had thought I'd be able to reinstate your comment in a few days, but it seems like blogger doesn't have such an undo, which is odd given that I had left unticked the "remove forever" option (this latter seems merely to change the "delete all comment text forever" to "delete all evidence that the comment ever existed", which makes it rather badly described imo). Whoops.

  7. i love blonde jokes but i dont get this...
