Wednesday, June 16, 2010

[jules' pics] 6/15/2010 12:49:00 PM

Daiyuzan Saijo-ji temple, originally uploaded by julesberry2001.

Another photo from the huge Daiyuzan temple.

James asked why I didn't blog a picktur yesterday. WIRES are to blame. They sent the proofs for the brilliant paper I wrote, all messed up into a dumb-ass American accent, so I had to go through every word to put the meaning back into my sentences. So a job that should have taken an hour at most took the best part of the day. It was really annoying. I thought we'd evolved beyond such rubbish. Another vote therefore for the EGU journals (like this one). There, if the editor and reviewers thinks the paper is comprehensible, it goes to press as-is. Accents of German, Chinese, Italian, American, English, French, Japanese, etc are all OK - we can all understand each other. Makes me think that some Americans need to get out more...



  1. Well, James could have filled the gap by taking and posting a photo of you tearing your hair out over this latest imperialist outrage, but no, all he's good for is a passive complaint. He doesn't make you do all the cooking, does he? :)

  2. What do you mean? What is a "passive complaint"? Sounds like more American funny thinking to me. And what's it got to do with cooking?

  3. I think the implication is that I should have impressed my boss by presenting a solution to the lack of picture, rather than just grumbling...not that I really grumbled, just wondered...and I certainly don't allow jules to do too much damage in the kitchen. Except where was I...

  4. James nails all the implications. But did he get any cake?

    Also, Jules, I don't know how it's escaped your notice that here in the U.S. we are presently in a devolution phase. Un-Darwinian you say? Well of course.
